1868 - Juan Ramón Ortiz and Valentina Cordero
1st with 2nd degree affinity
Juan Ramón Ortiz y Lugo remarried to Valentina Cordero y Ortiz, the niece of his first wife María del Pilar Ortiz y Almodóvar. Juan Francisco Ortiz, the uncle of Valentina Cordero, provided information. D. Toribio Zaes, married, labrador, and 50 years old, was a witness. D. Felipe Feliciano, married, labrador, 65 years old, was a witness. D. Pedro Zaes, married, labrador, 46 years old confirmed the infromation. D. Wenceslao Yrizarri was a witness.
Death of María del Pilar Ortiz
Date: March 31, 1866
Name: María del Pilar Ortiz y Almodóvar
Age: 31
Deathplace: Guamá, San Germán
Husband: Don Ramón Ortiz
Parents: Don Victor and Doña Gregoria Almodoval
Baptism of Valentina Cordero
Date: November 30, 1845; Sabana Grande
Name: Valentina Cordero y Ortiz
Birth: November 2, 1845; Sabana Grande
Parents: Pedro Cordero and Leonarda Ortiz
Godparents: Don Ricardo Gallardo and Doña María Francisca Ortiz
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