President Juan Rafael Estrella Ureña
(1889-1945)Mentions of Juan de las Estrellas in the 1720s.
The first Estrella residing in Santiago de los Caballeros was the French merchant, Juan de las Estrellas. In 1721 during a Rebellion instigated by Captains in Santiago, Juan de las Estrellas was mentioned to the subsequent court case along with other people within the city of Santiago.
"Guillermo Vidó y Juan de las Estrellas, franceses comerciantes enemigos del Rey y que notoriamente se embriagan."
Guillermo Bidó and Juan de las Estrellas, French merchants enemies of the king and who notoriously get drunk.
"Guillermo Vidas y Juan de las Estrellas son franceses comerciantes enemigos del Rey y que comunican con su nasion en tiempo de Guerra y que notoria se embriagan y que el primero es gran - y que ha comprado haziendas en las colonias de g.a."
Guillermo Bidó and Juan de las Estrellas are French merchants enemies of the king and they communicate with their nation in wartime and and who notoriously get drunk and the first one is a great ? and has purchased plantations in the colonies of ?.
Making a connection to Juan de las Estrellas is currently not possible, but based on the history of this family, it seems he is the founder of the surname Estrella in the Cibao. The surname de l'Éstoile is a possibility for his original name as it appears in French families. His original name may have been Jean de l'Éstoile. He may have been the grandfather or great grandfather of the family in the next section.
Based on the records connecting the Estrella family from Santiago in the 19th century, they originated from three brothers born in the late 18th century. Jacinto, Juan, and Santiago (Facundo) Estrella populated the Estrella family and other relatives in Santiago. A good amount of marital dispensations from the 19th century allows us to go back to these men who propagated the surname in and around Canabacoa, Santiago. The many branches of the Estrella family claim to be related to each other through lost ancestral roots. The family also claims through oral history to be descended from Jews from the Canary Islands though this seems to have been a false story based on the true French origins of the family. The family of Santiago (Facundo) Estrella's wife, Juana Fernández Rodríguez connects back to the Fernández of Santiago.
Also in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the Haitian revolution drove various families to emigrate from the island of Hispaniola. The Estrella were among these migrants with members of the family going to Baracoa, Cuba and Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. At least one branch of the Estrella family remained in Baracoa resulting in a generation in the mid 1800s with the surnames Navarro y Estrella. The Puerto Rican branch remained on the island after the death of their patriarch, Narciso Estrella, and relocated primarily to Camuy with connections to the northwest of Puerto Rico.
During the 20th century, the Estrella were a very influential family in Dominican politics with Juan Rafael Estrella Ureña, a lawyer, becoming acting president of the Dominican Republic on March 3, 1930 working with the future dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina. Estrella Ureña confirmed Trujillo as head of the police and army during his short time in the presidency and was vice president when Trujillo won the election on August 16, 1930. In 1932, Estrella Ureña resigned from the vice presidency. He died in 1945 during a surgery where it was rumored that Trujillo hired the surgeon to kill his former political ally. Trujillo declared a state of mourning in the country for three days.
Other Estrella figures during the Era of Trujillo were the generals José Altagracia Estrella Durán, uncle of the aforementioned president, and Pedro Antonio "Piro" Estrella Molina. José and Piro would be right hand men of the dictator during his rule over the country participating in egregious murders for political control. This time would come to an end when a son of Piro, Luis Salvador Estrella Sahdalá, and others were responsible for the assassination of Trujillo on May 30, 1961.
The families of Rafael Estrella Ureña and Piro Estrella Molina do not connect back genealogically to the well documented family of the three Estrella brothers due to a lack of records in Santiago. For the family of Rafael Estrella Ureña, there is a confirmed genetic connection through Y-DNA testing.
Passing through Dajabón
In the early 1780s, various members of the Estrella family passed through Dajabón into Saint-Domingue to sell andullos, Dominican tobacco product, to the French side of the island. The trips usually occurred in early summer, but there are outliers in February and April.
Facundo Estrella
April 1781
Facundo Estrella
February 1782
Juan de Estrella
June 1782
Facundo Estrella
June 1783
Narciso Estrella
July 1783
Joseph Estrella
May 1781
Facundo Estrella
June 1782
Facundo Estrella
February 1783
Juan Estrella
June 1783
Descendants of the Estrella Brothers
Jacinto Estrella married Juana Fernández
Jacinta Estrella Fernández married Manuel Gutiérrez
Josefa Gutiérrez Estrella married Francisco Alonso
Manuela Alonso Gutiérrez (c. 1822-1919) married José Payán Estrella in 1844
Dionisio Alonso Estrella (c. 1843-1913) married Teresa Rosa Núñez
Juan Estrella married María Pérez
Francisca Estrella Pérez (c. 1779-1849) married Fernando Payán
Juan Estrella Pérez married Águeda Fernández Rodríguez
Antonia Estrella Fernández married Bruno Basilio Payán
Eugenio Estrella Fernández married Francisca Hernández
Manuel Estrella Hernández (born c. 1831) married Rosa María Almonte Rodríguez in 1857
María Estrella Hernández married Bernardo Polanco Pérez in 1834
Ramón Estrella Fernández married Lorena Polanco
Petronila Estrella Polanco (c. 1810) married Fausto Payán Estrella in 1828
Santiago (Facundo) Estrella married Juana Fernández Rodríguez
Andrea Estrella Fernández married José Hernández
Petronila Hernández Estrella married Basilio Fernández Polanco in 1810
Bernarda Estrella Fernández married Manuel Gómez
Águeda Gómez Estrella married (1) Manuel Gómez (2) Manuel Díaz Burgos in 1833
José Francisco Gómez Estrella married Josefa López Ureña
José Gómez Estrella married Juana Liranzo
Pedro Gómez Estrella married María Valerio
Manuel Gómez Valerio married Dominga Estrella Jiménez in 1844
Manuel Estrella Fernández married Carmen Tupete Noble
Casimiro Estrella Tupete (c. 1826-1896)
Ana Joaquina Estrella Tupete (c. 1852-1912) married Tomás Gutiérrez Alonzo
Francisca Estrella Tupete (c. 1853-1913) married Antonio Estrella Villafaña in 1869
Narciso Estrella Fernández married María Capellán
Manuel Estrella Capellán married Teresa Valerio
Manuel de Jesús Estrella Valerio (c. 1812-1888) married María Trinidad Muñoz Estrella (went by María Trinidad Gómez) in 1835 then married Isabel de Vargas Batista in 1887
Felipa Estrella Valerio married Ramón Ortega Vargas in 1841
Tomasina Estrella Capellán married Antonio Muñoz
María Trinidad Muñoz Estrella married Manuel de Jesús Estrella Valerio
Pablo Estrella Fernández married María Gutiérrez
Manuel Estrella Gutiérrez (c. 1794-1879) married María del Carmen Jiménez
Dominga Estrella Jiménez married Manuel Gómez Valerio in 1844
José Ramón "Pepe" Estrella Jiménez married María Mercedes Gómez Liranzo in 1855
Petronila Estrella Gutiérrez (c. 1812-1882) married Marcos Alonso
Isidoro Alonso Estrella (c. 1823-1918) married Isabel María Álvarez Moreno in 1868
María Alonso Estrella married Manuel Payán Estrella in 1847
Victoria Estrella Gutiérrez (born c. 1818) married Tomás Fernández Polanco in 1834
Martín Estrella Gutiérrez (c. 1820-1880) married Petronila Medina
Rubencinda Estrella Medina (c. 1858-1876)
José María Estrella Medina (born c. 1864) married Juana Gómez Pérez in 1892
Isidoro Estrella Gutiérrez (died 1885) married Petronila Villafaña Gómez
Francisca Estrella Villafaña (c. 1829-1901) married Rafael Espaillat Lecanda
Genoveva Estrella Villafaña (c. 1836-1906) married José Joaquín Estrella Gómez in 1854
María Magdalena Estrella Villafaña (born c. 1839) married Joaquín Estrella Gómez in 1865
Juan Estrella Villafaña (c. 1842-1916) married María Mercedes Gómez Liranzo
Antonio Estrella Villafaña married Francisca Estrella Tupete in 1869
Filomena Estrella Villafaña married José Rosendo Estrella Gómez in 1875
Anacleto Estrella Gutiérrez married María Eulogia Gómez Ramos
José Joaquín Estrella Gómez (c. 1831-1912) married Genoveva Estrella Villafaña in 1854
Secundina Estrella Gómez (born c. 1859) married Juan Pérez Gómez in 1877
Carlos Estrella Gómez
Francisca Estrella Gómez
Joaquín Estrella Gómez married María Magdalena Estrella Villafaña in 1865
José Rosendo Estrella Gómez married Filomena Estrella Villafaña in 1875 (also had a relationship with Altagracia Perdomo)
Juan Zoilo Estrella Gómez married Graciana García in 1875
Luis Estrella Gómez married María del Carmen Estrella
Juan Estrella Gutiérrez married Matilde Medina Almánzar
José Dionisio "Nicio" Estrella Medina (c. 1850-1946) married Petronila Pichardo Tovar in 1888
Joaquín Antonio Estrella Medina (c. 1854-1933) married Ubaldina de Jesús Estrella Estrella in 1878
María Mercedes Estrella Medina (born c. 1856) married Manuel Antonio Mendoza in 1880
José de Jesús Estrella Medina (born c. 1856) married María Ramona Estrella Estrella in 1886
José del Carmen "Pijicho" Estrella Medina (1861-1954) married María Mercedes Tejada González in 1895
Federico Antonio "Fico" Estrella Medina (born c. 1864) married (1) Juana Gómez Estrella in 1886 (2) Agustina Minaya Hernández in 1898
José Dolores Estrella Medina married Hipólita Casiana Pichardo Tovar in 1871
Manuel de Jesús Estrella (c. 1831-1911) was either the son of Anacleto or Isidoro Estrella Gutiérrez. He married Juana Almánzar Marte (c. 1840-1910). His son Francisco Javier Estrella Almánzar married Claudina Estrella Estrella. They recieved a dispensation for 2nd degree consanguinity indicating they were first cousins. Claudina was the granddaughter of both Anacleto and Isidoro.
Death of Francisca Estrella Pérez, widow of Fernando Payán and daughter of Juan Estrella and María Pérez
September 29, 1849 - San José de las MatasMarital dispensation of Fausto Payán Estrella and Petronila Estrella Polanco
1828 - Santiago de los CaballerosMarital dispensation of Tomás Fernández Polanco and Victoria Estrella Gutiérrez
1834 - Santiago de los CaballerosMarriage of José Rosendo Estrella Gómez and Filomena Estrella Villafaña
November 23, 1875 - Santiago de los CaballerosDeath of an Isidoro Estrella of Canabacoa married to María Gutiérrez. He is either Isidoro Estrella Gutiérrez husband of Petronila Villafaña Gómez or his father Pablo Estrella Fernández husband of María Gutiérrez.
July 20, 1885 - CanabacoaDeath of Juan Estrella Villafaña, son of Isidoro Estrella Gutiérrez and Petronila Villafaña Gómez
February 8, 1916 - CanabacoaMarriage of Joaquín Antonio Estrella Medina and Ubaldina de Jesús Estrella Estrella
May 21, 1878 - Santiago de los CaballerosMarriage of Federico "Fico" Estrella Medina and Juana Gómez Estrella
November 29, 1886 - Santiago de los CaballerosMarriage of José de Jesús Estrella Medina and María Ramona Estrella Estrella
December 28, 1886 - Santiago de los CaballerosEligió Félix Estrella Estrella
(1882-1963)María Cristina Almánzar Fernández
(born 1893)Maximiliano Estrella Estrella
(1857-1956)José Dionisio "Nicio" Estrella Medina
(c. 1850-1946)José del Carmen "Pijicho" Estrella Medina
(1861-1954)María Mercedes Estrella Medina
(born c. 1856)Gregorio Estrella Estrella
(1879-1927)Descendants of Manuel Estrella and Úrsula Gil
José Estrella Gil married Ana de Vargas Vargas in 1825
José Estrella Vargas (c. 1825-1903)
Agapito Estrella Vargas married María del Carmen Abreu Inoa in 1869
Juan Candelario Estrella de Vargas (c. 1837-1902) married María Concepción Durán
Juan Bautista Estrella Durán (born c. 1862-1916) married Juana Antonia Ureña Estévez in 1888
President Juan Rafael Estrella Ureña (1889-1945)
Victoria Luisa Estrella Martínez (1918-1984) married José Luperón Flores
Rafael Flores Estrella (1939-2010)
Federico Carlos Estrella Martínez (born 1919) married Lilian Balcácer Báez
Rafael Mauricio Estrella Martínez (1921-1994)
Alberto Tomás Estrella Martínez (1923-1948) married Norma Altagracia Pichardo Petitón
Luis Manuel Estrella Martínez (1925-2001) married Josefina Frías
Olga Mercedes Estrella Martínez (1926-2007) married Tomás Emilio Cortiñas Criado
Trinidad Altagracia Estrella Martínez (1928-1997) married Víctor Ramírez de la Mota
Aura Mercedes Estrella Martínez (born 1930) married John Bidmar
Máximo José Estrella Martínez (born 1940) married Luisa Irene López Baylly
Gustavo Antonio Adolfo Estrella Ureña (born 1896) married María Almonte Bermúdez
Manuel Antonio Estrella Durán (born 1864)
Ana Dolores Estrella Durán (born 1866)
Vicente Antonio Estrella Durán (c. 1868-1929) married Eudosia Ureña Estévez in 1901
Ana Antonia Estrella Ureña (1902-1956) married Rafael Vidal Torres
Luisa María Estrella Ureña (born 1904) married Pedro Franco
Mélida Mercedes Estrella Ureña (born 1906)
Carmen Carolina Estrella Ureña (born 1909
Estela Marina Estrella Ureña (born 1911)
Patria Alicia Estrella Ureña (born 1914) married Dolhman Russel Thompson
Juan Bautista Estrella Ureña (born 1919)
María Candelaria Gabriela Estrella Durán (1871-1918)
María del Carmen Estrella Durán (born 1873) married Juan Bautista Fernández Lora
Rafael Felipe Estrella Durán (born 1875) had children with Josefa Antonia Ramona de Jesús Petitón and Ramona Paulina Almonte
María Concepción Estrella Almonte (born 1902)
Ramón Saúl Francisco Petitón Estrella (1904-1968)
Ana del Carmen Estrella Almonte (c. 1905-1950) married Pedro Tomás Antonio Estrella Tavarez
Agustina de las Mercedes Estrella Durán (1877-1950)
José Gabriel Estrella Durán (born 1879)
General José Altagracia Estrella Durán (1881-1964) married María Tavarez Rodríguez in 1905.
Pedro Tomás Antonio Estrella Tavarez (1906-1965) married Ana del Carmen Estrella Almonte
Mélida María Estrella Tavarez (born 1909) married Víctor Joaquín Castellanos Ortega
Mireya Estrella Tavarez (born 1911) married Pedro Jorge Abinader
Luis Danilo Estrella Tavarez (1916-1992) married Felicita Amalia Espinal
José Mercedes Estrella Durán (born 1883) married Jacinta Castillo
José Altagracia Estrella Castillo (c. 1908-1983) married Mariana Hernández
General José Altagracia Estrella Durán with Rafael Trujillo.
General José Altagracia Estrella Durán
(1881-1964)Descendants of José María Estrella de la Cruz and Petronila Molina
José María Estrella de la Cruz (c. 1847-1900) was the son of José del Carmen Estrella (c. 1815-1900) and Laureana de la Cruz. José del Carmen Estrella was the son of José Estrella and Francisca.
José del Carmen Estrella also was married to Mauricia Cabreja Rodríguez.
José de Jesús Estrella Molina (born c. 1875) married Mercedes Bergés Espinal in 1913 (Civil) and 1920 (Church)
María Altagracia Molina (born 1889)
General Pedro Antonio "Piro" Estrella Molina (1891-1978) married (1) Paulina Sahdalá Sahdalá in 1916 (2) Marien Sahdalá Stéfani (also had many other children)
Guarionex Estrella Sahdalá (c. 1917-1917)
Luis Salvador Estrella Sahdalá (1919-1961) married (1) Urania Mueses Pereyra (2) Alina Cruz (3) Luz Ureña
Mayor General Guarionex Estrella Sahdalá married Mabel Elisa Virella
Rafael Eduardo Estrella Virella (born 1953) married Arelis Cruz
Paula Isabel Estrella Cruz
Eduardo Guarionex Estrella Cruz
Elisa Mabel Estrella Cruz
Paula Estrella Virella
Mabel Estrella Virella
Guarionex Estrella Virella
Rosa Margarita Estrella Virella
Nelson Estrella Sahdalá
Catalina Molina (born 1893)
Dolores Emilia Estrella Molina (c. 1894-1972)
Juana Ramona Molina (born 1899)
María Teresa Molina (born 1901)
Ambrosia Ercilia Pepín Estrella
(1884-1939)Ercilia Pepín Estrella
Ambrosia Ercilia Pepín Estrella was born December 7, 1884 in Marilópez the natural daughter of José María Pepín and Edelmira Estrella Álvarez. The following year she was recognized by her father. She would grow up to be a leader of education in the Dominican Republic and an activist for woman's rights in the country. Read more here.
Her mother's family comes from the Estrella of Canabacoa. Edelmira Estrella's parents were Gregorio Estrella and Carlota Álvarez. A sister of Edelmira was Eudosia de Jesús Estrella Álvarez (born 1863) who's baptism indicated she was born in Canabacoa and that her father, Gregorio was deceased by October 12, 1863. This would mean that he died that same year when the records of Santiago were destroyed. The godparents of Eudosia were Luis Estrella and Martina Gómez. Luis Estrella Gómez was the son of Anacleto Estrella Gutiérrez, grandson of Pablo Estrella Fernández, and husband of María del Carmen Estrella. María Martina Gómez Liranzo was the wife of Juan Estrella Villafaña and the granddaughter of Bernarda Estrella Fernández. With the connection between godparents and family members as well as the location, Gregorio Estrella must have been a member of the Estrella family that descends from Santiago Estrella and Juana Fernández Rodríguez.
Descendants of Gregorio Estrella and Carlota Álvarez
Emiliano Estrella Álvarez (born c. 1858) married Ana María de Mata in 1896
Gregorio Arturo Estrella Mata (1884-1908)
Luis Estrella Mata (c. 1890-1912)
Edelmira de Jesús Estrella Mata (born 1891)
José Manuel Estrella Mata (born 1893)
Amalia Estrella Álvarez (c. 1862-1902) with Unknown (Haplogroup R-CTS241)
José Oguis Estrella (born 1882) married Fredesvinda Liz Núñez in 1910
José Oguis Estrella Liz (born 1904)
Victor Rafael Estrella Liz (1928-1961) married Carmen Luisa Cruz Sánchez
Omna Maley Estrella Cruz
Victor Rafael Estrella Cruz
Amalia Estrella
Victor David Estrella
Magdalena Estrella Liz
Osvaldo Estrella Liz
Vicinio Estrella Liz married María Soto
Elvira Dolores Estrella (born 1883)
Isabel Polonesia Australia Estrella (born 1890)
Eudosia de Jesús Estrella Álvarez (born 1863)
Edelmira Estrella Álvarez had children with José María Pepín (the first two children were likely not his children)
Dolores Bertilia Estrella (born 1875)
Juana Leopoldina Estrella (born 1880)
María Clementina Mercedes Pepín Estrella (born 1883)
Ambrosia Ercilia Pepín Estrella (1884-1939)
Angélica de Jesus Pepín Estrella (1888-1961) married Juan de la Regla Félix Fuero in 1907
Luz Patria Félix Pepín (born 1908)
Grecia María Félix Pepín (born 1910)
Hostos Guaroa Félix Pepín (born 1912)
Duvergé Colombino Félix Pepín (born 1915)
Blanca Italia Félix Pepín (1917-2007) married ? Casanova
Puerto Rican Branches
Narciso Estrella and Dionicia Payán Tineo (c. 1770-1861) were natives of Santo Domingo who left their home for Puerto Rico at the turn of the 19th century. This couple were related to the Estrella and Payán families of Santiago de los Caballeros and likely left during the Era de Francia when in 1795 the French gained possession of the entire island of Hispaniola and a slave revolt led by Toussaint Louverture in Saint-Domingue drove thousands of white Dominicans from the island. These criollos left the island to neighboring Spanish possessions including Puerto Rico where they were given some land and compensation. Dionicia was the daughter of Bruno Payán and Leonor Tineo.
The Estrella Payán family traveled with their children to their new home settling in Aguadilla before moving the family to Camuy. Narciso Estrella died in Aguadilla about 1804. His death record's existence is only known from an index. Calculating from Francisco Espaillat, who is also in this index, I was able to estimate Narciso's year of death. A few years later, Dionicia Payán, widow of Narciso Estrella, with presbítero Don Ambrosio Caraballo sold a house to Don Antonio Moliary for 400 pesos. José Cayetano Estrella Payán, vecino de Camuy married María del Rosario Ostache Sánchez on February 28, 1823 in Aguadilla. A witness to this marriage was Manuel Estrella. It appeared after 1809 the family moved from Aguadilla to Camuy possibly as a result of the death of Narciso Estrella. Bruno Estrella Payán married Francisca Colón in 1835 in Camuy.
José Cayetano Estrella Payán lived in Barrio Zanja with his wife, children, mother, sister, and slaves. Bruno Estrella Payán lived in Barrio Abra Honda with his wife and children.
José Cayetano Estrella Payán was a reformista supporting the abolition of slavery in Puerto Rico. Despite this he did own slaves in Camuy, most of them freed during the abolition of slavery in 1872. On February 13, 1873 the opposing integristas who were against the abolition of slavery were able to get the Civil Guard and Volunteers (Spanish loyalist militia) to raid the country house of José Cayetano Estrella. The house was raided on the basis that reformistas were meeting there to conspire against Spain. Both sides were well armed and 12 men were killed, a Civil Guard and Volunteer were injured, and many were arresting including José Cayetano Estrella. He was eventually released. Members of this family served in local office in Camuy. In 1900, Blas Laurentino Estrella Colón was the mayor of Camuy; Joaquín Estrella Colón served as a councilman; and Antonio Estrella Colón served as a trustee.
Anther branch of the Estrella family to arrive from Santo Domingo was Juan Estrella Poyau who married the French descendent María Luisa Maisonave Duprey, daughter of Jean Pierre Maisonave and María Duprey, in Moca in 1818. It is possible that Juan Estrella was the son of Narciso and Dionicia. This union produced two children: Mercedes Estrella Maisonave (c. 1835-1906) who married Felipe Bisbal and Pedro Luis Estrella Maisonave who married the Portugese-Puerto Rican María Simplicia Lisboa Fuentes. Pedro Luis' lineage continued while Mercedes' did not. This family moved around from Aguadilla to Camuy, San Sebastián, and Lares.
Autosomal DNA testing has revealed a connection between the Estrella and Payán of Santiago de los Caballeros and the families of Estrella Payán and the Estrella Maisonave in Puerto Rico.
Boletín Empresarial de Puerto Rico
February 21, 1873Segun nuestras noticias, los siguientes son los nombres de los individuos que hasta el 17 habia preso el Juzgado de Arecibo por creerlos complicados en las rebelion de Camuy. Entrelos nombrados figuran el alcalde que en Camuy puso presos á dos voluntarios que le fueron á pedir auxilio contra los rebeldes, un capitan de Milicias, peninsular, un sargento primero, dos hijos del alcalde Velez ó Vales y una cuantas mas personas de la situacion ayucil:
Francisco Ortiz, Pablo Santaigo, Celedonio Acebedo, Juan de los Santos Rosario, Jose Antonio Martinez, Ezequiel Hernandez, Tomas Rosado, Jose Vicente Acebedo, Antonio Moreno, Juan J. Rodriguez, Manuel de J. Concepcion, J. Desiderio Hernandez, Bernardo Rosario, Facundo Estrella, Juan Gimenez, Petro Marrero, Eusebio Vales, Manuel Perez, Salvador Davila, José Cayetano Estrella, Quintin Estrella, Narciso Estrella, Gonzalo Rodriguez, Jose Ramon Lacomba, Jose Suarez, Luis Martinez, Francisco Alcazar, Liborio Valdes, Manuel Maria Merado, Jose Rivera Cerero, Manuel Reyes Oram, Felix Pascasio Rivero, Francisco Borrel, Juan C. Rivera, Pablo Velez, Francisco Rivera, Nicolas Nieves, Ramon Muniz de Mendez, Estanislao Estrella, Jose Miranda, Antonio Torres, Domingo Olivera
Descendants of Narciso Estrella and Dionicia Payán
María Estrella Payán (born c. 1789) married Manuel Sotomayor Vélez
Manuel Soto Estrella (born c. 1818)
Pedro Soto Estrella (c. 1829-1914) married Concepción Hernández Muñiz
María del Carmen Soto Estrella (c. 1839-1893) married Antonio Rodríguez Rivera
José Cayetano Estrella Payán (c. 1795-1877) married María del Rosario Ostache Sánchez in 1823
María Ildefonsa Estrella Ostache (1828-1828)
María Ramona Estrella Ostache (1829-1829)
Hilaria Estrella Ostache (born c. 1832)
Quintín Estrella Ostache (born c. 1834) married Josefa Castro León
Narciso Estrella Ostache (born c. 1836) married Carmen Soto Cruz
Ramón Estrella Soto (c. 1865-1931) married Sandalia Rodríguez Vega
Juana Estrella Ostache (c. 1837-1920)
María Lorenza Estrella Ostache (born 1838)
María Florencia Estrella Ostache (c. 1840-1912)
María Jacinta Estrella Ostache (1842-1930) married Manuel M. Babilonia
Bruno Estrella Payán (born c. 1796) married Francisca Colón Negrón in 1835
Francisca Estrella Colón (1836-1886)
Joaquín Estrella Colón (c. 1837-1912) married Dolores Cáceres Nieves
Antonio Estrella Colón (1838-1919) was a widower
Justa Felipa Ramona Estrella Colón (born 1842)
Jacinto Estrella Colón (born 1843)
María Minervina Estrella Colón (born 1846)
Blas Laurentino Estrella Colón (c. 1849-1918) married Josefa Aguirre Rodríguez
Death of Laurentino Estrella y Colón. States his parents were Bruno Estrella and Francisca Colón and that his grandparents were Narciso Estrella and Dionicia Payán.
Death of María Jacinta Estrella Ostache. States her father was Cayetano Estrella Pallán, native of Santo Domingo and her grandparents were Narciso Estrella an Dionicia Pallán, natives of France.
Grave site of Isabel Rosario Prudencia Navarro y Estrella in Baracoa.
Baptism of Ana Marca del Carmen Navarro y Estrella
Newspaper entry for Francisco Ramón de la Rosa Navarro y Estrella mentioning he was the municipal mayor of Baracoa in 1893.
Transcription of the baptism of Martín del Carmen Navarro y Estrella.
Cuban Branch
On July 16, 1804, the families of José de Estrellas and María Estrellas arrived at Baracoa, Cuba fleeing the Haitian Revolution. José brought his wife, Isabel de Torres (also known as Isabel de la Torre), and four children: Blas, María Ascension, Mauricia, and Antonia. María Estrellas was married to Pedro Díez and brought her children: Ramón, Joaquina, and Antonia. María departed from Baracoa with her family on January 29, 1806 for another destination. José stayed longer, departing from Baracoa on January 31, 1810. It is unknown what happened to these two families or how they are related.
A couple generations later, in the cemetery of Baracoa, there is a Doña Isabel Rosario Navarro y Estrella buried in the town where these Estrella wound up in. She was born March 1, 1850 and died March 18, 1871. In the local archive, her baptism appears with three siblings: Ana Marca del Carmen, Francisco Ramón de la Rosa, and Martín del Carmen Navarro Estrella. Their mother, María Josefa Genoveva Estrella y Torres was born in Baracoa and married Francisco Navarro y Guilarte, a native of Baracoa and son of Francisco Navarro Terreros and Rosa María Guilarte y Borges. In these baptisms, Genoveva's parents are noted as José Estrella and Isabel de Torres (de la Torre) connecting part of the Estrella family that remained in Cuba. The godmother of Martín del Carmen Navarro was Mauricia Estrella, the sister of Genoveva and daughter of José Estrella and Isabel de Torres indicating more of the family remained on the island than just Genoveva's family.
Francisco Ramón de la Rosa Navarro y Estrella married capitana Luz Palomares y García (1850-1948), a female commander during various Independence uprisings an wars in the late 1800s Cuba. Francisco was also the mayor of Baracoa in 1893 and left descendants.
Note: Various other families arrived in Baracoa the same day as the Estrella family and Josefa Domínguez, wife of Juan de Abreu, did return to the colony of Santo Domingo and have descendants in Santiago. Through the dispensation of her granddaughter, Antonia Fernández Abreu, the daughter of Juan Fernández and Petronila Abreu Domínguez, with her cousin Evaristo Domínguez Rodríguez in 1841, we are able to confirm Josefa's parents. Josefa Domínguez Hernández was the daughter of José Domínguez Fernández and Isabel Hernández, and José was the son of Juan Domínguez and Catarina Fernández. Interestingly, an uncle of Josefa, Damián Domínguez Fernández, married Josefa Estrella leaving descendants in Santiago. This Josefa Estrella is unconnected to any other known family, but it seems she was somehow closely linked to José de Estrellas and María Estrellas who traveled to Baracoa.
Baracoa Arrivals on July 16, 1804
Diego Rodriguez Departed December 14, 1809
Casimira Hernandez, wife
Gregoria Rodriguez Departed January 5, 1810
Pedro Betances, son
Pedro Diez Departed January 29, 1806
Maria Estrellas, wife
Ramon, son
Joaquina, daughter
Antonia, daughter
Felix Garcia Departed January 3, 1810
Apolonia Hernandez, wife
Jose Garcia, son
Juan, son
Antonia, daughter
Carlos de Torres Departed April 10, 1807
Clara Belen, wife
Ramon, son
Miguel, son
Juan de Abreu Departed January 24, 1810
Josefa Dominguez, wife
Juan, son
Jose, son
Ramona, daughter
Petronila, daughter
Maria, daughter
Jose de Estrellas Departed January 31, 1810
Isabel de Torres, wife
Blas, son
Maria Ascension, daughter
Mauricia, daughter
Antonia, daughter
Bernardo Hernandez Departed February 13, 1810
Dorotea Gomez, wife
Andres, son
Antonio, son
Juana Linares Departed April 17, 1807
Mateo Hernandez Departed January 4, 1810
Maria Rodriguez, wife
Gregorio, son
Jose, son
Catalina, daughter
Gracia, daughter
Feliciana, daughter
Pedro Dominguez Departed November 20, 1809
Francisca Rodriguez, wife
Juana, daughter
Andres Rodriguez Departed January 4, 1810
Petrona Ureña
Luis, son
Jose, son
Rosa, daughter
Ines, daughter
Petronila, daughter
DNA Testing
Through DNA testing, many barriers that are in place due to the destruction of records can be broken. Autosomal testing has confirmed a connection between the Estrella families of Santiago and those in Puerto Rico while Y-DNA testing had confirmed the paternal lineage of the family up to Santiago Estrella. The lineage of President Juan Rafael Bautista Estrella has also connected to the same haplogroup confirming that the Estrella are united even if the records are unavailable to support this claim. Another major connection was connecting with the Puerto Rican branch of Estrella originally from Santiago de los Caballeros and Y-DNA matching with a tester from that branch. The Puerto Rican branch of the family has also connected to the same haplogroup.
From Big Y testing, the haplogroup of all the Estrella is R-FTB66470. This branch originated from R-BY3222 which has their most recent common ancestor as being born about 1330 BCE. For R-FTB66470, the common ancestor is estimated to have been born about 1744 CE. For the Salcedo branch of the Estrella family, their common ancestor is predicted to be born about 1846 CE.
The remaining branches of the Estrella family to test are the Guazumal/Tamboril Estrella and the lineage of Piro Estrella. Testing more known related parts of the family would also help to define certain lineages within the Estrella haplogroup, but this is a secondary objective.
Santiago Main Family
Rebelión de los Capitanes: Viva el rey y muera el mal gobierno by Roberto Cassá
Dajabón records
Antiguas Familias de Santaigo by Julio Amable González Hernández
30 de Mayo: Sus Héroes by Julio Amable González Hernández
Descendencias Presidenciales: Rafael Estrella Ureña by Julio Amable González Hernández
1931 Miami Manifest for Ercilia Pepín
Puerto Rican Branch
Sociedad Puertorriqueña de Genealogía file "Protocolo Notarial Aguadilla 1808-1814".
Volunteers of the Spanish Empire (1855-1898) by Fernando J. Padilla Angulo, page 101