Antonia Antoni
Marie Antoinette Antoni was born October 10, 1851 in Brando, Corsica. She was the eldest of three sisters and would marry Louis Penchi, the son of André Penchi and Marie Lucie Mattei, in 1872. Soon after this marriage she would travel to Puerto Rico with her husband with Spain's Real Cédula de Gracias, a decree intended to grant land to European Catholics to colonize Puerto Rico. She would travel with her husband and her sister Marie Épiphanie Antoni. The assumed year of this voyage is 1875 from census records, but it may have been completed a year or so earlier. According to family lore, they arrived in the port of Guánica. Here she changed her name to Antonia Antoni Cardi. The couple would found the Penchi Antoni family with seven children who resided in Caín Alto and Guamá, San Germán. In 1914 her husband, Luis Penchi, died after forty-one years of marriage. In 1920 she was living in Segundo, Ponce with her children Juana Penchi Antoni de Fernández and Luis Penchi Antoni and her grandchildren Luis and Salvador Fernández Penchi. She died April 25, 1928 at 9pm in San Germán.
Lucía Antonia Penchi Antoni (born c. 1877) married Angelino Lugo Castillo
Unknown Natimuerto
Unknown Natimuerto
Andrea Penchi Antoni (c. 1882-1934) had children with Angelino Lugo Castillo
José Galo Penchi Antoni (c. 1885-1961) married Francisca de Santiago Martinez
Monserrate Penchi Santiago (1913-1993) married Gladys Rodriguez
José Angel Penchi Santiago (1915-1997)
Luis Manuel Penchi Santiago (1918-1935)
Miguelina Penchi Santiago (1921-2001) married Salvador Angel Torres Ortiz in 1942
Angel Oscar Torres Penchi (1943-2018)
Israel Torres Penchi (1945-2020)
Tanya Torres
Julian Nunez
Living Torres Penchi
Roberto Torres Penchi (1949-1949)
Marina Penchi Santiago (1923-2019)
René Penchi Santiago (1925-2002)
Braulio Penchi Santiago (1930-1930)
Living Penchi Santiago
María Francisca Penchi Antoni (c. 1886-1905)
Juana Penchi Antoni (c. 1887-1940)
Ángel Penchi Antoni (c. 1890-1921)
Luis Penchi Antoni (1892-1961)
Marriage: AD 2B Brando 2 E 2-22/1 vues 229 & 230;
Census (1910): "United States Census, 1910," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 April 2020), Antonia Antonia Y Cardi De Pencil in household of Luis Pencil Y Matteo, Cain Alto, San German, Puerto Rico; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 506, sheet 5B, family 52, NARA microfilm publication T624 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1982), roll 1777; FHL microfilm 1,375,790.
Census (1920): "United States Census, 1920," database with images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 23 April 2020), Antonia Antone Y Carde De Pench, Segundo, Ponce, Puerto Rico; citing ED 624, sheet 28B, line , family 330, NARA microfilm publication T625 (Washington D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1992), roll 2065; FHL microfilm 1,822,065.
Death (1928): "Puerto Rico, Registro Civil, 1805-2001," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 14 October 2019), Antonia Antoni y Cardi, ; citing San Germán, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Departamento de Salud and Igesia Catolica (Puerto Rico Department of Health and Catholic churches), Toa Alta.