1844 - Lucas Gallardo and María Francisca Ortiz

1st with 2nd degree affinity

Lucas Gallardo y González remarried to María Francisca Ortiz de la Renta y Almodóvar. She was the niece of his previous wife who died the same year, María José de Almodóvar y Rodríguez.

Testimony of Lucas Gallardo


-la pretendida en vida de su tía, la mayor parte del tiempo estubo en mestra compañía ayudandola principalmente en la crianza de los nueve hijos que me han quedado, de que resulta, ser incomparable el amor que tanto ella, a ellos, como ellos a ella se profesan: motivo pasar funtamento creer que sola ella podia dirigirlos, aguermaalos, y mirar por ellos como su prima, y semi madre, mejor que otra estraña.


The intended in her aunt's life, most of the time she was in our company helping her mainly in raising the nine children that I have left, as it turns out, the love that she, for them, and they for her, is incomparable. They profess themselves: the reason to proceed is the fundamental belief that she alone could direct them, encourage them, and look after them as their cousin, and half mother, better than another stranger.

Death of Maria José de Almodóvar

  • Date: September 22, 1844; Villa de San Germán

  • Name: Doña Maria Josefa de Almódovar

  • Age: 45

  • Deathplace: Guamá, San Germán

  • Husband: Don Lucas Gallardo

Baptism of María Francisca Ortiz de la Renta

  • Date: December 19, 1824; Villa de San Germán

  • Name: María Francisca Ortiz y Almodoval

  • Birth: December 2, 1824; Barrio de Sabanagrande

  • Parents: Don Juan Victor de Jesus Ortiz and Doña Gregoria Almodoval

  • Godparents: Don Vicente Almodoval and Doña Maria Josefa Almodoval


  • Juan Victor de Jesus Ortiz de la Renta was deceased. His wife Gregoria Almodóvar allowed her daughter to marry Lucas Gallardo in Pueblo de Sabana Grande.

  • Don Bernardino Almodóvar of San German was a witness. He was married, a laborer, and 59 years of age.

  • Mateo Cordero, native and neighbor of San German, was a witness. He was married, a laborer, and 64 years of age.

  • Juan Ortiz was a witness who knew Doña Maria José Almodóvar, Gregoria was her sister, and Francisca her niece who spent time with the family raising kids.

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