1828 - Fausto Payán and Petronila Estrella
2nd with 3rd degree consanguinity
2nd with 3rd degree consanguinity
Fausto Payán
Born: Ciudad de Santiago
Residence: Ciudad de Santiago
Age: 25 (born c. 1803)
Occupation: Labrador
Petronila Estrella
Born: Ciudad de Santiago
Residence: Ciudad de Santiago
Age: 18 (born c. 1810)
Occupation: Domestica
Juan Estrella Pérez and Lorena Polanco were dead.
Juan Estrella and María Pérez were dead.
Informant: Marcelo Guzmán (61 years old)
Informant: Pablo Fernández (56 years old)
Informant: Bruno Payán (52 years old). It is likely he was the brother of Fernando Payán.