Jacinto Ramírez
Jacinto Peltán Ithier was born in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico in 1824 to Alexander Pétain and Marguerite Ithier. His family was of mixed Haitian ancestry having enslaved African and French ancestors. His family had fled Saint-Domingue during the Haitian Revolution and settled in Cabo Rojo and later Mayagüez with his maternal grandparents and mother dying in Puerto Rico. His parents held a good status in Puerto Rico and had Jacinto educated. He grew up the youngest of five children and was fond of fishing traveled throughout the Caribbean. His mother died in 1836 and soon after his father died on a trip to the Bahía da Samaná in 1840. At this point he was orphaned and chose to settle in Santa Bárbara de Samaná and later Santiago de los Caballeros where he made a business relationship with Pepe Morillo, a wealthy merchant.
Jacinto and Pepe traveled between Samaná and Santiago on commercial business. It was around this time that Jacinto changed his surname to Ramírez when anti-French sentiment on the island from the Boyer administration and later the independent Dominican Republic made having a common Spanish surname more palatable. He married Blasina Marte (also known as Blasina del Rosario) and had 10 children with her. His son by Blasina, Telésforo Ramírez Marte, was a mechanic and owned a blacksmith shop. Jacinto owned many distilleries in Santiago where he produced aguardiente, a strong alcoholic beverage, and brandy. These many distilleries where likely responsible for fueling the flames that ravaged the city on September 13, 1863. On that day General Gaspar Polanco ordered to set fire to part of the city of Santiago to prevent it from being of use to the attacking Spanish forces. While the strategy succeeded in driving the Spanish to Puerto Plata, an irreplaceable damage was caused when all of the documents pertaining to births, marriages, and deaths from before this date were destroyed in the flames. There were only about twenty distilleries remaining by the beginning of the 1900s.
After the war, his wife Blasina died and Jacinto remarried to Hipólita Almonte in 1867 having 3 more children born in San José. At some point the couple would become estranged living in Nibaje. In 1896, Jacinto began living with Carolina Fernández. Soon after, his wife Hipólita died in 1898 in Nibaje. Jacinto married Carolina a year later. Carolina then died in 1906. After this, Jacinto had a fourth and final marriage to Amelia Martínez Almánzar (died 1950).
In the mid 1870s, Jacinto had a relationship with Dolores Pérez and had a son with her, Félix Pérez. Félix died in 1894 at the age of 18 and his obituary mentioned his family was in mourning over the loss.
When Jacinto was in his seventies, he completed construction of his retirement mansion in Nibaje overlooking the river and the countryside on the southern part of Santiago. Here he spent his days reading with one book in his collection by a French author which Jacinto used to prepare embalming chemicals. He gained many customers from this and it appeared he was concerned about the mystery of death. He was fixated on the physical resting place and prepared his own coffin and tomb in the municipal cemetery while he was still alive. He never used this tomb though as after the assassination of president Ulises Heureaux on July 26, 1899 in the outskirts of Moca, it was asked of Jacinto to donate his coffin. Jacinto agreed and immediately put his son Telésforo to import the materials for the construction of a new coffin. Jacinto Ramírez died in Santiago de los Caballeros on February 15, 1910 at the age of 85. He was buried in the 30 de Marzo Cemetery in the same city.
From Haiti to Puerto Rico
The Haitian Revolution drove numerous white and mixed families from the colony of Saint-Domingue in 1804 when a nationwide killing of the white population was decreed by Jean-Jacques Dessalines. The family of Jacinto Ramírez fled the country during this time with his father, mother, uncles and aunts, maternal grandparents, and maternal cousins fleeing the violence. Charles Ithier and Marguerite Corporan were the grandparents of Jacinto. The children of Charles and Marguerite were Marguerite (1784-1835; Jacinto's mother), Carlos, Mariana, María Josefa, Lorenzo, Benito (c. 1798-1894), and Teresa (c. 1800-1885) Ithier Corporán. His grandmother's family, the Corporan, settled in San Cristóbal in the eastern part of the island of Hispaniola. The Ithier family settled first in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico where they resided during the marriage of Jacinto's parents on April 25, 1808 and the death of his grandmother in May 27, 1813. Jacinto's parents, Alexander Pétain and Marguerite Ithier, had five children, Petrona (c. 1798-1893), Brigida (1809-1891), María Josefa (c. 1814-1891), José, and Jacinto Peltán Ithier. Jacinto's sister, Brigida, was born October 8, 1809, his grandfather Charles Ithier died January 29, 1818, and his mother Marguerite Ithier died February 27, 1836 all in Mayagüez. The family eventually integrated into Puerto Rican society with numerous descendants of Jacinto's sisters existing in Puerto Rico.
Family tree of the ancestors and immediate family of Jacinto Ramírez.
Charles Ithier
Baptism for Charles Blanchard, natural son of Nanette Blanchard, mulatresse libre
April 8, 1760; Croix des Bouquets, Saint-Domingue
Marriage of Charles Ithier, illegitimate son of Nanette ditte Blanchard and Antonie Ithier with Margueritte, daughter of Joseph Corporan and Hélène Lester
June 11, 1783; Mirebalais, Saint-Domingue
Burial record for Charles Ithier
January 29, 1818; Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Marriages and Other Records
Obituary of Félix (Ramírez) Pérez
El hogar de nuestro bueno amigo Don Jacinto Ramires esta enlutado: victima de una de esas dolencias que limitan los dominios del saber humano y se befan de la cacareada ciencia de Hipocrates y Galeno cayo en la huesa el apreciable joven Felix Ramires, en la tarde de ayer.
Nos asociamos al dolor que aflije a Don Jacinto, padre amaoroso de Felix, y a los amantes hermanos y demas familiares del malogrado joven, q. d. e. p.
April 28, 1894; Santiago de los Caballeros
Catholic Church Marriage of Jacinto Ramírez and Hipólita Almonte
January 11, 1867; Concepción de la Vega
Civil Marriage of Jacinto Ramírez and Carolina Fernández
July 22, 1899; Santiago de los Caballeros
Civil Marriage of Jacinto Ramírez and Amelia Martínez
September 24, 1906; Santiago de los Caballeros
Civil Death Registration of Jacinto Ramírez
February 16, 1910; Santiago de los Caballeros
Mirebalais, Haiti
Origin of Alexander Pétain and Marguerite Ithier, Jacinto's parents. His family in Haiti also lived in Croix des Bouquets and Léogâne.
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Birthplace of Jacinto Ramírez.
Nibaje, Santiago de los Caballeros
Jacinto Ramírez had his mansion overlooking the river.
Telésforo Ramírez Marte
Son of Jacinto Ramírez and Blasina Marte.
With Blasina Marte del Rosario
Lisandro Antonio Ramírez Marte married Cipriana Núñez in 1884
Ricardo Ramírez Núñez (1885-1974) married Hipólita Ramírez Castaño (daughter of Númas de Jesús Ramírez Almonte) in 1918
Alba Ramírez Ramírez
Héctor Ramírez Ramírez
Rosaura de Jesús Ramírez Núñez (born 1887) married Eduardo Julia in 1911
Rodolfo Ramírez Núñez (born 1888) married Aniceta Núñez Rodríguez in 1915
Félix Antonio Ramírez Núñez (born 1891)
Dolores Emilia Ramírez Núñez (born 1892) married Francisco Gabriel Pérez in 1909
Ana Polonia Ramírez Núñez (born 1893)
Demetrio Ramírez Núñez (1895-1897)
Belisario Ramírez Núñez (born 1900)
Lisandro Antonio Ramírez Núñez (c. 1902-1972)
José Israel Ramírez Núñez (c. 1904-1985) married María
Vicente Enrique Ramírez Núñez (1905-1991)
Mercedes M Ramírez Núñez (1906-1999)
Manuel Ramírez Marte married Nicomedes Vélez Peltán (his first cousin through a sister of Jacinto named Brigida Peltán Ithier) in 1885
Brigida Ramírez Vélez (c. 1886-1978)
Ismael Ramírez Vélez (born 1890)
Marcelino Ramírez Marte married Elena Céspedes Almonte in 1872
Teolinda de Jesús Ramírez Céspedes (born 1873) married Salvador García in 1896
Cándida María García Ramírez (born 1896)
Pedro María Ramírez Céspedes (born 1874)
Nicomedes Ramírez Céspedes (born 1876) married Máximo García in 1893
Eriberto Ramírez Céspedes (1877-1924)
Marcelina Ramírez Céspedes (born 1880)
Braudelina Ramírez Céspedes (c. 1900-1966)
María Eusebia Ramírez Marte married Eguenio Rivas in 1874
Laura Antonia Rivas Ramírez (born 1875)
Braulio Rivas Ramírez (born 1878)
Marcelino Rivas Ramírez (born 1880)
Manuel Antonio Rivas Ramírez (born 1883)
Rafael María Rivas Ramírez (1883-1904)
Emilio Rivas Ramírez (born 1885)
Vidal Ramírez Marte married Floriana Núñez García in 1870
Jacinto Ramírez Núñez (born 1877)
Manuel Antonio Ramírez Núñez (born 1878)
Alejandro Ramírez Núñez (born 1881)
Telésforo Ramírez Marte (c. 1858-1936) married (1) María Salomé Grullón Blanco in 1884 (2) Agustina Aracelia de Lora in 1906
Ana Rosa Ramírez Grullón (c. 1885-1982)
María Cristina Ramírez Grullón (c. 1889-1985)
Bárbara Antonia Ramírez (died c. 1998) married Samuel Morillo Burgos
María del Camen Ramírez Grullón (born 1891)
María Salomé Ramírez Grullón (1892-1970) married Juan María García
Juana Evangelista Ramírez Grullón (born 1893)
Blasina Ramírez Grullón (born 1896)
Telésforo Ramírez Grullón (1897-1968)
Eufracia Ramírez Grullón (born 1898)
Ulises Ramírez Marte (c. 1860-1904) married Cristina Meregildo in 1885
Micaela Ramírez del Rosario married José Valentín Paulino in 1870
Francisco de la Cruz Paulino Ramírez (born 1872)
Saturnina Ramírez del Rosario married Juan Pablo Liranzo Olivos in 1864
Baldomera Lirzano Ramírez (born 1866) married Emilio Vásquez in 1886
Alejandro Vásquez Ramírez (born 1889)
Juan de Jesús Lirzano Ramírez (born 1870)
Carmelia de Jesús Lirzano Ramírez (born 1872)
María de las Nieves Olivos Ramírez (born 1875)
Juan Bautista Lirzano Ramírez (born 1877)
Rosa Ramírez del Rosario (born 1863)
With Hipólita Almonte
Leonte Ramírez Almonte married Josefa Ramona Álvarez Rivas in 1889
Adela Antonia Ramírez Álvarez (born 1890)
Julia Mercedes Ramírez Álvarez (born 1891)
Adela de Jesús Ramírez Almonte (1867-1882)
Númas de Jesús Ramírez Almonte (1870-1951) married (1) Aurelia Castaño Filión in 1891 (2) Julia Fernández de León in 1908
Antonia Dolores Ramírez Castaño (born 1892)
María Teresa de Jesús Ramírez Castaño (born 1894)
Antonia Edelmira Ramírez Castaño (born 1896)
Númas Ramírez Castaño (1898-1980) married Ofelia Madera Azcona
Hipólita Ramírez Castaño (born 1899) married Ricardo Ramírez Núñez (son of Lisandro Antonio Ramírez Marte) in 1918
Aurelia Mercedes Ramírez Castaño (born 1901)