Ysidro Nuñez escrivano publico y delcabildo De la ciudad de Santiago de los caballeros. de la ysla española = Dice que en el se Be mataren los dos. oficios. en mill ducador Demoneda comiente Los qual sienepagados. y en Vir sud de todo. Vró Presidente gobernador y capitan general Ledid - lo emforma de los dos. oficios con el qual seprefento en el aluerdo de Vra Real audiencia De la Sa ysla y fue ex saminado y aprobado. y despues. Receuido en el cabildo de la de esta ciudad como todo mas Largamente conta por el se hmonio que perfecta = Pide y supp.ca AVA Lemande confirmar y confirme el dSo. ofició y del librar Vró titulo Real enforma en que neciuira mrd=
En la Ciudad de Santiago de los Cavalleros en siete dias del mes de Enero de mil setecientos setenta y siete años Joseph Nuñez vezino y labrador en la estancia nueva manifesto una negra y un negro llamado Francisco casta mandiga como diez y ocho años reyadas ambas sienis que se reguló en pieza de Yndias: Y la negra llamada Margarita de casta caravali como de veinte años que se regulo en pieza de Yndias y habiendose obligado a la satisfacion de quarenta y quatro pesos cino xis de su p-al dño enesta virtiud semarcanon con el de la Real contaduria librandole la correspondante cerrfrelat
Bernardo Martínes de Valdes
Some of those hospitalized in Fort-Dauphin from the Garde Nationale Espagnole. - 1803
The oldest mention of the Núñez family in Santiago is in 1606 where various members of this family were mentioned in a census conducted by Governor Antonio de Osorio.
Vecinos de la ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros
Pedro Núñez, owner of an estancia de casave, mais, y tabaco.
Jorge Núñez
Juana Núñez
María Núñez
Soon after this census, Isidro Núñez, a public notary in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros in 1612, appears in the records. It is unknown how he or any of the aforementioned Núñez connect with the documented ancestors of the Núñez family, but the name Isidro was carried on.
Capitán Fernándo Núñez de Caraballo married Ana María del Monte y Muñoz de Mena, daughter of Domingo del Monte Pichardo and Luisa Mena de San Miguel and had Fernando Félix Caraballo y Pichardo. Fernándo died January 1656 in Santiago.
In 1717, a Simón Núñez was mentioned connected to the Alcalde of Santiago, Don Antonio Pichardo.
In 1721 during a rebellion in Santiago, there were three Núñez mentioned in the subsequent court case: Bernardo Núñez (born 1690 in Santo Domingo, vecino de Santiago, literate, murderer of Juan Beltran), Leonardo Núñez (vecino de Santiago), and Pedro Núñez, (vecino de Santiago, Pardo libre).
Originally it was believed that the first generation of the Núñez began with an individual known as Isidoro Núñez who had Isidro Núñez (husband of María Reynoso) and José Núñez ( husband of Dionisia/Catalina de los Reyes). Y-DNA testing has disproven this genealogy as the Y-DNA of descendants of Isidro and José Núñez wound up being from different lineages. Geographically, the families are still close so it is likely there is a surname connection with one of them through the female line, but with the limited records from this time it is difficult to say. My personal opinion is that the descendants of Isidro Núñez are from the legitimate surname origin based on having more Y-DNA matches with unconnected genealogy.
In 1776, a Joseph Núñez of Estancia Nueva possessed two illegal slaves, Francisco and Margarita, and had to pay 44 pesos to to government for evading taxes. It is possible this is the same José Núñez who founded the Núñez de los Reyes family. Other Núñez remained in and close to the city while also branching out to other parts of Cibao. In 1784, los Terreno en el paraje Las Matas de Santa Cruz were owned by Juan Núñez who sold it to Francisco Espaillat for 350 pesos for raising livestock.
On February 15, 1804, Francisca Núñez the widow of granadero del regimiento de Cantabria Manuel Boriñaga, remarried, now living in Cuba requested the pension of her deceased husband as an emigrant of Santo Domingo. In the early 1800s, various families from Santiago made their way to Santo Domingo during the España Boba period. Of these families, branches of the Núñez were baptizing their children in the capital.
1807 - María de la Paz de los Santos y Núñez, daughter of Félix de los Santos and Theresa Núñez, naturales de Santiago
1807 - Manuel Núñez, son of Gregoria Núñez, natural de Santiago
1808 - Ramón Cayetano Núñez, son of María Núñez, natural de Santiago
1812 - Pedro Tomás Núñez, son of Gregoria Núñez, vecina de la Ciudad de Santiago
In 1805, multiple whites were killed in the city of Santiago under the order of future President and King of Haiti, Henri Christophe. On February 26, a group of men and women were killed including José Núñez and Juan Núñez. They were hanged at the entrance of the town hall in the city. This account was recorded by Gaspar de Arredondo y Pichardo after fleeing to Cuba. It is possible that these two were the father and son José Núñez and Juan Núñez de los Reyes though there is no way to confirm this.
In 1803, there was a division of the French military on the island specifically for members of the Spanish side of the island mostly composed of men from the Cibao, specifically Santiago and La Vega. In a military hospital in Fort-Dauphin (today Fort-Liberté) various members of the Spanish National Guard (Garde Nationale Espagnole) were treated. Two of these men were Simon Nougnez and Quiettan Nougnez, natives of Santiago, Cibao. I suspect they were actually named Simón Núñez and Quintín Núñez.
In 1826, Manuel Núñez Tineo, the son of Felipe Núñez de los Reyes and Ana Tineo Jimenez, married his cousin Maria Bonifacia Fernandez Tavares. In his testimony he inherited 50 pesos of land in la Angostura from his father.
In the mid 1800s, José María Núñez Valerio went to Baitoa and settled a branch of the family that remains there today.
A Bartolomé Núñez was one of the first inhabitants of La Vega. (Pasajeros a la Española, 1492-1530, pg. 519)
From Confirmación de oficios vendibles y renunciables
Expediente de Confirmación del oficio de escribano público y del cabildo de Santiago de Los Caballeros, en La Española a Isidro Nuñez.
Confirmation file of the office of notary public and the town hall of Santiago de los Caballeros, in Hispaniola to Isidro Nuñez.
From Instancias sin curso de la isla de Cuba
Josefa Tineo y Ponce y Francisca Núñez, viudas de los granaderos del regimiento de Cantabria Manuel Yrizo y Manuel Boriñaga, solicitan que a pesar de haber contraido nuevas nupcias se le contienuen las pensiones que disfrutaban como emigradas de Santo Domingo (1804).
Josefa Tineo y Ponce and Francisca Núñez, widows of the grenadiers of the Cantabrian regiment Manuel Yrizo and Manuel Boriñaga, request that despite having contracted new nuptials, they be given the pensions they enjoyed as emigrants of Santo Domingo (1804).
Descendants of Isidro Núñez & Cándido Núñez
Isidro Núñez and María Reynoso had José, Luisa, Manuel, Pedro, and Santiago Núñez Reynoso in the mid to late 1700s.
José Núñez Reynoso married Catalina Fernández Tavares who was the mother of his children except for María Francisca, who has a different mitocondrialDNA haplogroup than Catalina Fernández' descendants. José's family primarily populated La Noriega, just south of Arroyo Hondo.
Luisa Núñez Reynoso married an unknown Franco and had Ramón Franco Núñez. Ramón married María de la Paz Díaz Burgos and lived in Arroyo Hondo. Some of their decendants remained while others populated Baitoa and Boca de los Ríos.
Manuel Núñez Reynoso married María de la O Cerda, the daughter of Féliz Cerda. Their descendants remained in Arroyo Hondo with one being Benito Núñez Cerda.
Pedro Núñez Reynoso had Andrea Núñez. She had a natural daughter, Ramona Núñez, who married Carlos Fabián Vásquez (c. 1795-1885) of El Papayo.
Santiago Núñez Reynoso had Ambrosia Núñez (mother was possibly a Cerda). She married Domingo de Peña and had descendants in La Cruz de Copellar and La Zanja. Her husband may have had children with Olaya Cerda, producing Máximo and Regina de Peña Cerda of Piloto, Monte Cristi.
In the death record of Benito Núñez Cerda, son of Manuel Núñez Reynoso, there is a cousin of his declaring Benito's death, Cándido Núñez. Cándido Núñez (c. 1826-1905) was originally from Arroyo Hondo, but settled Piloto, Monte Cristi some time in the late 1800s. He married María de la Paz Almonte and had various children in Arroyo Hondo, before moving his family to Piloto. In the family's oral history, the family came from Santiago to Piloto because the elder had asthma and it was easier on his body to be in Piloto. It is currently unknown how exactly Benito and Cándido Núñez were related, but future DNA testing may be able to confirm/disprove a Y-DNA connection. Based on dispensations, Cándido may have had a sister named Isabel Núñez, mother of Deogracias Núñez.
Dispensation trees for Justo Franco Díaz and María Francisca Núñez, widow of Aniceto Núñez Cerda. (1859)
"... Compareceran los Senores Jose Manuel Nuñes y Candido Nuñes, mallores de edad y Recidente en aRollo hondo el [primero] hijo y el [segundo] primo de Benito Nuñes... hijo legt. de Manuel Nuñes y Maria Selda..."
Máximo de Peña Cerda of Piloto with an unnamed son-in-law in 1918. Three of the five possible son-in-laws of Máximo were sons of Juan Antonio Núñez Almonte and Ana Rita Núñez Ramírez making it 60% likley that this is a photo of a grandson of Cándido Núñez.
His son-in-laws were: José Agustín Núñez Núñez, Aureliano Núñez Núñez, Casiano Núñez Núñez, Bienvenido Gómez Núñez, and Francisco Paula Datt (Vitalino Rojas Reyes is excluded as he was in jail for a violent murder at the time).
Isidro Núñez married María Reynoso
José Núñez Reynoso married Catalina Fernández Tavares
Rita Núñez Fernández (c. 1812-1902) married Blas de la Rosa Frías
Félix Núñez Fernández (c. 1821-1891) married Clara Tavares Tineo
Joaquín Núñez Tavarez (c. 1838-1913) married Juliana Payán Alonso in 1872
María Justiniana Núñez Payán (1878-1972) married José Eugenio Núñez Fernández in 1895
Juan José Núñez Tavarez (c. 1846-1922) married Rafaela Fabián
Escolástica Núñez Tavarez (born c. 1854) married Secundino Plasencia Pérez in 1874
Altagracia Núñez Tavarez married Juan Bautista Payán Alonso in 1880
Eleonora Núñez Tavarez married Pedro Bidó Tavarez in 1877
Cirilo Núñez Fernández married Candelaria Payán
Virginia Núñez Payán (c. 1846-1919) married José Dolores Rosa Núñez
José Núñez Fernández married María Ramona Payán
María Eugenia Núñez Payán (born c. 1843) married Antonio Pérez Núñez in 1863
Julia Telésfora Núñez Payán (born c. 1850) married Pedro Francisco de la Rosa Núñez in 1874
Pedro Juan Núñez Payán married María Concepción Muñoz Mojena in 1878
María Núñez Fernández married Gabriel Muñoz
María Francisca Núñez had a relationship with an unknown Rosa and then married (1) Aniceto Núñez Cerda in 1841 (2) Justo Franco Díaz in 1859
María del Rosario Rosa Núñez married Pedro Fabián Núñez in 1861
For children of Aniceto Núñez Cerda and María Francisca Núñez see Aniceto Núñez Cerda
María de la Cruz Franco Núñez (c. 1860-1948)
Catalina Franco Núñez married Juan Pablo Reyes Tavarez in 1885
Gabriel Franco Núñez married Reina Julia Pérez Núñez in 1883 and had relationships with Mentiqua Iglesias and Amelia Tejada López
Sebastián Franco Núñez married Inocencia Díaz Vargas in 1894
Luisa Núñez Reynoso married ? Franco
Manuel Núñez Reynoso married María Cerda
Lorenza Núñez Cerda (c. 1819-1893) married Bruno Collado Ramírez (c. 1816-1876)
Benito Núñez Cerda (c. 1827-1877) married María del Pilar Núñez Valerio in 1847
Santiago Aniceto Núñez Cerda married María Francisca Núñez in 1841
María Ramona Núñez Cerda married Alejo Ramírez (c. 1830-1910)
Pedro Núñez Reynoso
Andrea Núñez
Ramona Núñez married Carlos Fabián Vásquez
Santiago Núñez Reynoso married an unknown Cerda
Ambrosia Núñez Cerda
Cándido Núñez married María de la Paz Almonte
Juan Antonio Núñez Almonte (born c. 1859) married Ana Rita Núñez Ramírez in 1882
Cándido Núñez Almonte (c. 1860-1946) married Encarnación Zapata in 1895 and had a relationship with Jacinta Jiménez
Petronila Núñez Almonte (c. 1863-1898)
José Alejandro Núñez Almonte (born 1865) married Aurora Jiménez in 1917
Jesús María Núñez Almonte (born 1867)
María Josefa Núñez Almonte (born 1870)
Isabel María Núñez Almonte (born 1872)
Ramón María Núñez Almonte (born 1876)
Descendants of José Núñez
José Núñez and Dionicia (or Catalina) de los Reyes had Augusto, Felipe, Francisco, Jacinto, Juan, and María Núñez de los Reyes in the mid to late 1700s.
Augusto Núñez de los Reyes married Ana Libertad de la Caba and left descendant in Los Ciruelos.
Felipe Núñez de los Reyes married Ana Tineo Jiménez and left descendants in Angostura, Baitoa, Estancia del Yaque, La Zanja, and Sabana Iglesia.
Francisco Núñez de los Reyes married Catalina Tavares Tineo and left descendants in Arroyo Hondo, Baitoa, and Los Ciruelos.
Jacinto Núñez de los Reyes married Ana Consuegra and left descendants in Angostura.
Juan Núñez de los Reyes married María Fernández Tavares and left descendants in Angostura, Baitoa, Banegas, El Guano, and Palmar.
María Núñez de los Reyes married Nicolás Fernández and left descendants in Sabana Iglesia.
"dijo: que tiene diez reses que ha heredado de su padre y sinquenta pesos de tierra en Langostura"
"He said: he has 10 cattle that he inherited from his father and 50 pesos of land in la Angostura"
From the 1826 dispensation of Manuel Núñez Tineo, son of Felipe Núñez de los Reyes (deceased), and María Bonifacia Fernández Tavares. In the dispensation, Manuel indicates his father was dead and that he had inherited a small part of his fortune. This is the earliest recorded document of the Núñez who lived in la Angostura with Felipe Núñez de los Reyes being the earliest known resident as his son inherited his property. In addition to Felipe's branch who are well established in la Angostura, his brother Juan Núñez de los Reyes also has descendants in the area. This indicates that either the Núñez de los Reyes settled la Angostura or they inheritted property from their father, José Núñez the son of Isidoro Núñez.
José Núñez married Dionicia (or Catalina) de los Reyes
Augusto Núñez de los Reyes married Ana Libertad de la Caba
Pedro Núñez de la Caba married Marta del Rosario
Felipe Núñez de los Reyes married Ana Tineo Jiménez
Manuel Núñez Tineo (born c. 1804) married María Bonifacia Fernández Tavares in 1826
María Matilde Núñez Tineo (born c. 1808) married Buenaventura Valerio Gil in 1826
Antonio Núñez Tineo married María Mercedes Fernández
Manuela Núñez Tineo married Bernardo Valerio
María Ramona Núñez Tineo married Nicolás Fernández Gil
Petronila Núñez Tineo married José Fernández Gil
Francisco Núñez de los Reyes married Catalina Tavares Tineo
Francisco Núñez Tavares had a child with Gerónima Cepeda
Ramón Cepeda married Mariana Núñez del Rosario
Rafael Núñez Tavares married Francisca Valerio and had a child with Antonia Peralta Núñez
José María Núñez Valerio (c. 1825-1895) married Bernarda Franco and had children with Prudencia Pérez Pérez
María del Pilar Núñez Valerio (c. 1833-1893) married Benito Núñez Cerda in 1847
María Natividad Núñez Valerio married Manuel Tineo Acevedo in 1843
Anastasia Núñez Peralta married Cornelio Núñez Cepeda in 1845
Jacinto Núñez de los Reyes married Ana Consuegra
Pedro Núñez Consuegra had a child with Manuela Cepeda
Cornelio Núñez Cepeda married Anastasia Núñez Peralta in 1845
Andrea Núñez Núñez (born c. 1848) married Emeterio Tineo in 1878
Manuel Núñez Núñez (born c. 1854) married Felipa Tineo Núñez in 1877
José del Carmen Núñez Núñez (born c. 1857) married (1) María de los Ángeles Almonte Cepeda in 1887 and (2) Clemencia Díaz Tineo in 1897
Jacinto Núñez Núñez married Antonia Rodríguez Reyes in 1893
Juan Núñez de los Reyes married María Fernández Tavares
Baltazara Núñez Fernández
Hermenegildo Núñez Fernández
José Antonio "Pepe" Núñez Fernández
María Núñez de los Reyes married Nicolás Fernández
Church burial for Francisco Núñez (1876)
Civil death record for Francisco Núñez (1876)
Descendants of Francisco Núñez and Isabel Cerda
Francisco Núñez (c. 1799-1876) died in Arroyo Hondo the widower of Isabel Cerda, daughter of Antonio Cerda. They had three sons who left Arroyo Hondo and founded families in Sabaneta, Puerto Plata, and Santa Cruz de Mao. Isabel had a sister, Olaya Cerda, who had a relationship with Domingo de Peña in Piloto, Monte Cristi that produced Regina and Máximo de Peña Cerda
Bonifacio Núñez Cerda married Regina de Peña Cerda in 1862 and received a dispensation.
Ana Rosa Núñez Peña (c. 1869-1919) married Martín de Vargas
Odilio Bautista Núñez Peña (1875-1912) married María Altagraica Núñez
María Matilde Núñez Peña (c. 1878-1931) married (om 1913) and divorced Rogelio Morel
General Manuel de Jesús Núñez Cerda (c. 1823-1909) married Francisca Estévez Gorí in 1854 and had a relationship with Benedicta Hernández
Francisco Núñez Estévez (born 1854)
José Alejo Núñez Estévez (1856-1877)
María Josefa Núñez Estévez (born 1858)
Anselmo Núñez Estévez (born 1860)
María Encarnación Núñez Estévez (c. 1862-1877)
Jesús María Núñez Estévez (born 1867)
Pedro Antonio Hernández (1864-1917)
Olegario Antonio Hernández (1869-1945)
Olegario Deregla Hernández (born 1869)
María Mercedes Hernández (died 1963)
Román Núñez Cerda (born c. 1835) married María Francisca Tapía in 1868
Isabel María Núñez Tapía (c. 1866-1929)
Juan Bautista Núñez Tapía (c. 1869-1938) married Catalina Aguilar Peláez in 1898 before this had a relationship with Petronila Ferreira
María Isabel Núñez Ferreira (1892-1989)
Tomás Ferreira (born 1893)
Román Emilio Núñez Ferreira (1895-1959)
Amable Urbano Núñez Ferreira (born 1898)
María Luisa Núñez Aguilar (born c. 1904)
Flor Idalia Núñez Aguilar (born 1910)
Carmen Catalina Núñez Aguilar (born 1912)
Estevan de Jesús Núñez Tapía (1870-1871)
José Agustín Núñez Tapía (born 1871)
Manuel de Jesús Núñez Tapía (born 1876)
Big Y block tree. (January 2024)
The haplogroup for the Núñez descended from José Núñez is R-FTB29008. This haplogroup is estimated to have been formed about 1735 CE. The descendants of José Antonio "Pepe" Núñez Fernández all fall under that haplogroup R-FTB39023 estimated to have been formed 1799 CE. The descendants of Rafael Núñez Tavares fall under the haplogroup R-FTD33599.
In the Big Y block tree, some of the closest paternal relatives of this family are a Mexican family that share a paternal common ancestor born about 134 BCE. This may indicate that this paternal lineage has been in the Iberian peninsula since this time at least. The closest connection is an individual who claims paternal ancestry from the Netherlands with the common ancestor born about 99 BCE.
The haplogroup for the Núñez descended from Isidro Núñez is R-ZZ12. This haplogroup is estimated to have been formed about 2520 BCE. There is a Big Y test in progress for this lineage, so there will be major refinement of this section when that test is completed. Preliminarily, the tester matches descendants of the haplogroup R-Y21422.
There are three Núñez families that are connected to this lineage, Isidro Núñez, Santiago Núñez of San José de las Matas, and Santiago Núñez of Guayabal, Santiago.
Descendants of José Núñez
Descendants of Isidro Núñez
Relaciones Historicas de Santo Domingo by Emilio Rodríguez Demorizi
PARES - Josefa Tineo y Ponce from Instancias sin curso de la isla de Cuba
Saint-Domingue FORT-DAUPHIN (HOPITAL MILITAIRE) 1803 - Image 38
Antiguas Familias de Santaigo by Julio Amable González Hernández
Residencia de Antonio Pichardo de Vinuesa
Image 355: Simon Nunez