Las Charcas
Marriage of Román (Busuá) Germán Tavarez using both surnames Busuá and Germán. In his baptism, Román did not have a middle name implying this was showing the transition of the surname.
List of voters with the surname Germán in Las Charcas in 1938. Note that Baltazar died that year which is why he was crossed out of the list.
The Busuá are one of the families connected to enslaved people in Las Charcas frequently associating with the Rodríguez. The word Busua is mentioned by Carlos Larrazabal Blanco.
"BUSUA/BUSUÁ. Bola grande en el <juego de bolas> (canicas). BUSUM, <talisman> en lenguas asanti y abron."
"Big ball in the game of canicas (marbles). It comes from the Ashanti and Abron language in which Busum is a talisman."
The comparison between Busua and Busum is made connecting the Ashanti and Abron ethnicities of Ghana/Eastern Côte d'Ivoire. The use of Busua as a geographical location only exist in in the southwest of Ghana as a small costal village of primarily Akan people. This points to a connection between the modern nation of Ghana and this family descended from enslaved people in Las Charcas, Santiago, Dominican Republic.
Branches in Santiago
The surname of Busuá may have survived as a surname of African origin due to its similarity to a French stylized name. The addition of the accent at the end of the name may indicate a French/Haitian influence allowing it to survive.
In Las Charcas there are two main branches of descendants with the surname Busuá. The branch that I descend from comes from Francisca Busuá who married Manuel Rodríguez having two sons, Serafín and Zenón Rodríguez Busuá. Zenón married Felipa Busuá connecting this branch again to the family. The paternal lineage of the Rodríguez family is African with the haplogroup E-M4451 (E-CTS9106 > E-FTB90151).
The primary branch of the family descends from Florimon Busuá, a native of Santiago and son of Juan and Rosalía. He was first married to María Eugenia Hernán (also used López) and had three children with her, Baltazar de los Reyes, Teresa de Jesús, and Miguel Busuá Germán. Later on, Florimon remarried to Isabel Fabián Núñez, who went by Isabel Mata in his burial record. It appears they did not have any children and she remarried to Pedro María Rodríguez Flores the same years she died in 1904.
Miguel Busuá Germán would marry a relative of the Busuá family, María Felicita Rodríguez Fabián. Her father Florencio Rodríguez Busuá was the son of Zenón Rodríguez and Felipa Busuá. Zenón was the son of Manuel Rodríguez, likely the same Manuel Rodríguez was was married to Francisca Busuá. Unfortunately, the couple did not receive a marital dispensation so we do not know for sure how the unconnected branches of the family are related.
The following is complete speculation: Miguel was likely from the same generation of Felicita's father, Florencio Rodríguez. The father of Miguel, Florimon Busuá, was in his sixties when Miguel was born. Florencio's father was in his fifties when Felicita was born. Felipa and Florimon Busuá were likley from the same generation and may have been siblings. Francisca Busuá, the wife of Manuel Rodríguez and paternal grandmother of Florencio, may have been the aunt of Felipa and Florimon.
A clue to a possible Haitian connection is in the name Florimon. A Haitian general who resided in San Francisco de Macorís had the same name.
The family would eventually change their surname from Busuá to Germán through the lineage of Baltazar de los Reyes Busuá Eman. As the only individual who's lineage carried the surname, after this change the surname became extinct in the Dominican Republic.
Death of Serafín Rodríguez Busuá, son of Manuel Rodríguez and Francisca Busuá. (October 7, 1904)
José Dolores Rodríguez Tineo (center) was the son of Fruto Rodríguez Pacheco and grandson of Serafín Rodríguez Busuá. According to descendants of his family, José Dolores claimed to be the grandson of a Haitian man who taught him voodoo. He was able to cast an incantation that allowed him to disarm two people dueling with pistols. He passed this tradition on to his son Monsito, but it is most likely that the tradition is dead. The family claims he spoke in a Haitian accent as he cut his words short. As his mother, Cecilia Tineo, was described as white in her death, it is unlikely that his maternal side was the side where his African roots originated from. A paternal Y-DNA haplogroup test of a grandson of José Dolores gave the African haplogroup E-CTS9106 (E-M4451) pointing even more credence in the direction of his paternal line.
Death of Florimon Busuá, son of Juan and Rosalía. (September 10, 1877)
Marriage of Baltazar Busuá Eman, son of Florimon Busuá and María Eugenia Eman, with Catalina (Rodríguez) Tavares. (November 20, 1874)
Descendants of Francisca Busuá
Serafín Rodríguez Busuá (c. 1817-1904) married Petronila Pacheco Vargas
Ramón Rodríguez Pacheco (born c. 1835) married María de los Ángeles Reyes Tineo in 1867
Fructoso "Fruto" Rodríguez Pacheco (c. 1846-1916) married María Cecilia Tineo López
Féliz Antonio Rodríguez Tineo (born 1863)
Juana Ramona Rodríguez Tineo (1865-1939) married (1) Francisco Tineo Jiménez in 1883 (2) Gregorio Faña in 1890
Juana de Dios Rodríguez Tineo (born 1869) married Agapito de Jesús Almonte Rodríguez in 1888
José Benito Rodríguez Tineo (1871-1893)
Olimpia Rodríguez Tineo (born 1872)
Ramón Antonio Rodríguez Tineo (born c. 1872) married Ana Luísa Díaz de Jesús in 1907
Ana Josefa Rodríguez Tineo (born 1874)
Teresa de Jesús Rodríguez Tineo (born 1877)
José Dolores Rodríguez Tineo (1878-1974) had children with (1) Prudencia de Jesús Taveras (2) married Clementina Aurora Díaz Vargas (3) had a child with Paulina
Abelardo Rodríguez Tineo (1881-1888)
Ildefonso Rodríguez Pacheco (born c. 1847) married Gabina Rodríguez Colón in 1877
Salia de Jesús Rodríguez Rodríguez (born 1878)
Natividad Rodríguez Rodríguez (born 1880)
Mercedes Dolores Rodríguez Rodríguez (1882-1968) married Bernardino Almonte Rodríguez in 1933
Benigno Antonio Rodríguez Rodríguez (born 1885)
Bruno Rodríguez Rodríguez (born 1889)
Virginia Rodríguez Pacheco married Domingo Hernández in 1869
Gregoria Hernández Rodríguez (c. 1846-1916)
Clemencia Hernández Rodríguez (c. 1858-1958)
Pedro Hernández Rodríguez (born c. 1866) married Reina Rodríguez Reyes in 1886
Domingo Antonio Hernández Rodríguez (born 1870) had a relationship with María Dolores Faña
Ramón María Hernández Rodríguez (born 1873)
Rafaela Hernández Rodríguez (c. 1890-1955)
María Dolores Hernández Rodríguez (died 1965) had children with ? Fabián
Zenón Rodríguez Busuá (c. 1824-1884) married Felipa Busuá
Justina Rodríguez Busuá (born c. 1849) married Marcos Vélez Rodríguez in 1871
Domitila Vélez Rodríguez married José Joaquín García Ciriaco in 1895
Josefa Rodríguez Busuá (c. 1849-1889)
Petronila Rodríguez Busuá (c. 1849-1879)
Flora Rodríguez Busuá (c. 1856-1878)
Florencio Rodríguez Busuá married Martina Fabián Núñez in 1867
Magina Rodríguez Fabián (born c. 1865) married Santiago Rodríguez Reyes in 1890
Valentina Rodríguez Taveras (born 1867)
José Ovino Rodríguez Fabián (born 1871)
Emeterio Rodríguez Fabián (born 1873)
María Felicita Rodríguez Fabián (born 1874) married Miguel Busuá Germán in 1897
Basilsio Rodríguez Fabián (born 1876)
Francisco Rodríguez Fabián (born 1880)
Pedro José Rodríguez Fabián (born 1881)
Juan de Dios Rodríguez Fabián (born 1884)
Engracia Rodríguez Fabián (born 1886)
Basilisia María del Carmen Rodríguez Fabián (1888-1982) married Simón Felipe Núñez in 1912
Ramón Benigno Rodríguez Fabián (born 1890) married Fredesvinda García Pérez in 1920
Alejandro de Jesús Rodríguez Fabián (born 1893)
Descendants of Florimon Busuá
Baltazar de los Reyes Busuá Germán married Catalina Rodríguez Tavarez in 1874
Amalia de Jesús Busuá Tavarez (c. 1865-1967) married Florencio de Jesús Rodríguez Felipe in 1890
María Eugenia Busuá Rodríguez (1875-1946) married Melitón Rodríguez in 1896
Elorin Busuá Rodríguez (c. 1878-1881)
Domingo Evangelista Busuá Tavarez (born 1880) married María Dolores Balbuena Felipe in 1900
María del Carmen Busuá Rodríguez (born 1882)
Juana Vitalina Busuá Tavarez (1884-1947) married Enrique Rodríguez in 1909
Luis María Busuá Rodríguez (born 1886)
Justa Busuá Rodríguez (born 1888) married Pedro Rodríguez
Manuel Antonio Busuá Rodríguez (born 1893)
Román Busuá Tavarez (born 1893) married Candelaria del Rosario Rodríguez in 1916
Inés Busuá Tavarez (1897-1992) had children with Apolinar Hernández Rodríguez
Teresa de Jesús Busuá Germán married Santiago Fabián Núñez in 1865
José Eugenio Fabián Busuá (1866-1890)
Manuel Fabián Busuá (born c. 1872) married Claudina Balbuena Felipe in 1892
Pedro José Mata Busuá (born 1880)
Dolores Emilia Fabián Busuá (born 1883)
Inocencia Fabián Busuá (c. 1884-1891)
Ana Casiana Fabián Busuá (1890-1891)
Miguel Busuá Germán (c. 1862-1898) married María Felicita Rodríguez Fabián in 1897
María del Carmen Busuá Rodríguez (born 1898) married Francisco Antonio García Pérez in 1916
Larrazabal Blanco, Carlos - Antologia, pg. 22
Blog of Gerald Lopez Castellano
Civil and Catholic records of Santiago